Tom Clancy's "The Division" is an online game and requires a permanent online connection during play time.
The source code is in C++ on Ubisoft's Snowdrop engine.
Another fantastic game to play at home during Covid-19-lockdown.
Improved graphics and a fantastic day- and night-sceenery of Washington, D.C.
in the aftermath of an artificial virus outbreak, the "Green Poison".
The player is a Special Agent tasked with rebuilding operations and investigate the nature of the outbreak.
The Division 2, the sequel of Tom Clancy's The Division, is said to be an improvement over Ubisoft's first installment,
but, well, I liked the story of "The Division" better and it helps in "The Division 2" to have an inkling of what happened in The Division in New York.
Quarantaine everywhere. Lockdown. Goods are rare. Rioters rob to ensure their own survival. Hospitals are full, bursting at the seams.
NYC areas are separated into districts, prohibited access to some of them, e.g. death zones. Inside death zones, hundreds of thousands have died in their houses and in the streets. Tons of infected dead bodies all around. There, corpses and everyone still alive have to be
burnt by "the Cleaners" with flamethrowers. So, you will have to be clever and find your way through these death zones where access is strictly prohibited and where everyone has to be burnt.
For more details visit Wikipedia and
Ubisoft The Division 2 game page.
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